Payment Methods Configuration Manual: #
Dashboard: #
- Access the Payment Settings dashboard to manage your payment options.
Cash On Delivery: #
- COD Activation: Activate Cash On Delivery as a payment option.
- Save Changes
- COD Activation: Activate Cash On Delivery as a payment option.
Card On Delivery: #
- Card Activation: Activate Card On Delivery as a payment option.
- Save Changes
- Card Activation: Activate Card On Delivery as a payment option.
PayPal: #
- Paypal Credential:
- PayPal Client ID: Enter your PayPal Client ID.
- PayPal Client Secret: Enter your PayPal Client Secret.
- Paypal Sandbox Mode: Enable or disable PayPal Sandbox Mode.
- Paypal Activation: Activate PayPal payment integration.
- Save Changes
- Paypal Credential:
Stripe: #
- Stripe Credential:
- Stripe Key: Enter your Stripe Public Key.
- Stripe Secret: Enter your Stripe Secret Key.
- Stripe Activation: Activate Stripe payment integration.
- Save Changes
- Stripe Credential:
Flutterwave: #
- Flutterwave Credential:
- Flutterwave Public Key: Enter your Flutterwave Public Key.
- Flutterwave Secret Key: Enter your Flutterwave Secret Key.
- Flutterwave Encryption Key: Enter your Flutterwave Encryption Key.
- Flutterwave Activation: Activate Flutterwave payment integration.
- Save Changes
- Flutterwave Credential:
PayTm: #
- PayTm Credential:
- PayTm Environment: Select the PayTm Environment.
- PayTm Merchant ID: Enter your PayTm Merchant ID.
- PayTm Merchant Key: Enter your PayTm Merchant Key.
- PayTm Merchant Website: Enter your PayTm Merchant Website.
- PayTm Channel: Enter your PayTm Channel.
- PayTm Industry Type: Enter your PayTm Industry Type.
- PayTm Activation: Activate PayTm payment integration.
- Save Changes
- PayTm Credential:
PayStack: #
- PayStack Credential:
- Public Key: Enter your PayStack Public Key.
- Secret Key: Enter your PayStack Secret Key.
- Merchant Email: Enter your PayStack Merchant Email.
- PayStack Currency Code: Enter your PayStack Currency Code.
- PayStack Activation: Activate PayStack payment integration.
- Save Changes
- PayStack Credential:
Sslcommerz: #
- Sslcommerz Credential:
- SSLCZ Store ID: Enter your Sslcommerz Store ID.
- SSLCZ Store Password: Enter your Sslcommerz Store Password.
- Sslcommerz Sandbox Mode: Enable or disable Sslcommerz Sandbox Mode.
- Sslcommerz Activation: Activate Sslcommerz payment integration.
- Save Changes
- Sslcommerz Credential:
CoinGate: #
- CoinGate Credential:
- CoinGate API Key: Enter your CoinGate API Key.
- CoinGate Sandbox Mode: Enable or disable CoinGate Sandbox Mode.
- CoinGate Activation: Activate CoinGate payment integration.
- Save Changes
- CoinGate Credential:
Ensure to save your changes after configuring each payment method to apply the setting