Local Server Installation #
You can follow the below steps below to install the application-
- Step 1 – Copy Files
Create a folder in your local server, name it “epikcart” ( inside htdocs folder if you are using xampp )
Copy and paste here the “upload_this.zip” file which is in the downloaded file from “CodeCanyon”
“Right click” on the Zip File
“Extract here” the zip file
- Step 2 – Create Database
Start apache & mysql server
Create a database in your local database, ( navigate to “localhost/phpmyadmin” if you are using xampp )
- Step 3 – Add virtual host
The following steps are for xampp server in windows os (operating system). If you are using any other server/os, please configure your server with the same configuration as it is here.
Configure apache server as shown in the video (click here)
These are the lines you need to add in the configuration:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot “your_epikcart_directory_path”
ServerName epikcart.localhost
- Step 4 – Add virtual Domain
Follow these steps to create a virtual domain:
Go To:- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
Open:- `hosts` file in an editor as an administrator.
Write the lines as it is marked in the screenshot.
Restart apache server
- Step 5 – Install the System
Navigate to the virtual domain – http://propertypro.localhost
Click “Start Installation”. A page will come.
Now you need to set Database Host, Database Name, Database Username, Database Password
Database Host – Type “localhost”
Database Name – Chosen databasename
Database Username – Chosen username
Password – Type the password of the user you created from MySQL Database
Click Next Step.
Click on Run Migration
Name, Email, Phone no, Password & other information to create an Admin
Save and that’s all, use your system.