
Add New Page #

To create and add a new page to your website, follow these steps:

1. Dashboard #

  • Navigate to Pages: Go to the dashboard and select “Pages.”

2. Create New Page #

  • Click Create: Start the process to add a new page.

3. Page Details #

4. Content #

  • Edit Content: Use the editor to add and format the page content.
    • Editor: Powered by Jodit
    • Word Count: Track the number of characters and words.

5. Meta Information #

  • Meta Title: Enter the meta title for SEO purposes.
    • Example: “About Us | Property Pro”
  • Meta Description: Provide a brief description of the page for search engines.
    • Example: “Learn more about Property Pro, our mission, and our team.”
  • Meta Keywords: Type relevant keywords separated by commas.
    • Example: “property, real estate, about us”

6. Meta Image #

  • Upload Meta Image: Click “Browse” to upload an image for the page’s meta preview.
    • Recommended Size: 512×512 pixels
    • Current File: No Selected Item

7. Save Page #

  • Save Updates: After entering all necessary information, click “Save Page” to add the new page to your site.

Purchase Request

Please fill up the form to submit your purchase request. We will contact you as soon as possible.